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Understanding Body Size & Weight

Body size
There are many ways that a health professional may measure your body size alongside other factors like your blood pressure to get an overall picture of your health. Your health professional may regularly measure and record your weight, your Body Mass Index (BMI) or other measurements like your waist measure.

Excess weight
We can often focus on the number on the scales (i.e. kilograms) as a measure of our health but it’s not that simple. A better indicator is the distribution of fat and muscle around your body and your waist measure (usually measured in centimetres) is a simple check. There is good evidence to show that the weight around your tummy is linked with increasing your blood cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels and increases you risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

What's normal?
There are many factors that contribute to your body size. It’s not as simple as energy in, energy out! Managing your weight and maintaining a healthy body size for you is beneficial to your overall health. The latest guidelines suggest that even a small reduction in body weight (<5%) is associated with significant improvements in blood sugar control, blood pressure and cholesterol. Whether you have certain health conditions, your age, any medications you may be taking, your genetics, lifestyle and even your ethnicity and income level can contribute to your body weight.

Body Size & Weight

The following lifestyle changes can help you to manage your weight. It is important to implement these changes alongside taking any medication you’ve been given by your doctor. 

1. Increasing whole foods and reduced highly processed foods

We know that whole foods are the best foods for our bodies as they contain and abundance of vitamins and minerals, they are high in fibre and low in calories. This means stacking your plate with plenty of vegetables, fruit, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seed and lean proteins too.

2. Keeping it small and simple

Although it’s tempting to resort to extremes, the smallest changes that you make and can keep up will have the greatest impact on your long-term health and ability to maintain a stable weight. Focus on what foods you can add to your plate rather than take away.

3. Regular meals

Food provides us with nutrients to help us function optimally day to day. It’s important to give yourself permission to eat regular meals to avoid overeating. Restricting food can lead to a negative mindset; instead, focus more on portion sizes and eating mindfully.

4. Develop a positive relationship with food and body

Continue to consume the foods you enjoy. There are no good or bad foods, some are just more nutritious than others. Concentrate on how eating more nutritious foods makes you feel.

5. Exercise

Building in regular movement and exercise can help with weight management – and makes you feel good too. At least 2.5 hours (150 minutes) of moderate-intensity* physical activity is recommended each week.

6. Limiting alcohol

Drinking too much alcohol can impact your weight as it is high in kilojoules (calories).

Is there a best diet for weight loss?

There's a lot of debate about the 'best' diet for weight loss. However, the latest science shows that there's no single best approach. We all have different genes, health conditions and lifestyles that impact on our ability to lose weight. 

A sustainable weight loss diet:

  • Improves the quality of food you eat instead of just restricting calories.
  • Encourages a regular and consistent pattern of eating.
  • Is enjoyable and no foods are completely off limits.
  • Is based around whole foods – vegetables, fruit, legumes, dairy products, meat, fish and whole grains.
  • Includes plant foods – vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes (eg, lentils and chickpeas), tofu, tempeh and edamame beans.
  • Delivers balance, eg, when dishing up meals your plate is roughly ½ plate non-starchy vegetables, ¼ plate protein foods, ¼ plate carbohydrate foods.
  • Limits the amount and frequency of highly processed and packaged foods consumed, eg, soft drinks, lollies, fast food and sweet/savoury snack foods.

Learn more about calories and how many you should be eating here.

How Fresh Start can help

There's a lot of debate about the 'best' diet for weight loss. However, the latest science shows that there's no single best approach. We all have different genes, health conditions and lifestyles that impact on our ability to lose weight. 
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Nutritional Info

When selecting your meals for the week, we provide the calories per serve so that you can choose and compare meals that are lower in calories per serving.

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Nutritional Info

When selecting your meals for the week, we provide the calories per serve so that you can choose and compare meals that are lower in calories per serving.

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Vegetarian Recipes

Choose some vegetarian meals each week to increase the amount of plant foods in your diet as these meals are contain lentils, chickpeas, edamame beans, nuts, seeds and tofu.

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Vegetarian Recipes

Choose some vegetarian meals each week to increase the amount of plant foods in your diet as these meals are contain lentils, chickpeas, edamame beans, nuts, seeds and tofu.

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Calorie Controlled

Look out for our calorie-controlled meals (under 450kcal).

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Calorie Controlled

Look out for our calorie-controlled meals (under 450kcal).

Our favourite swaps

Here are a few of our favourite swaps that can help with weight management.

  • Add more vegetables to your meals. Have at least one serving at each meal, aiming for at least 5 servings a day.
  • Include a lean protein (e.g. tuna, chicken, eggs) or plant-based protein source (e.g. tofu, lentils, beans) at each meal to keep you fuller for longer.
  • Choose wholegrain carbohydrates like brown rice, wholegrain bread and oats, these are high in fibre.
  • Swap fruit juice or fizzy drinks for water.
  • Choose low fat options such as trim or lite milk instead of dark blue and edam cheese instead of tasty.

Frequently asked questions

When are weight loss/management medications required?

Lifestyle changes should come first. A qualified health professional may then recommend medications if lifestyle changes have not been successful. In New Zealand there are no funded weight loss/management medications. Regardless of whether medications are being taken, it is important to maintain lifestyle changes such as healthy eating and exercise.

Are there any quick fixes?

Quick fixes often provide short-term weight loss; however, this is likely difficult to maintain and can result in the regain of more weight than when you started. It is more important to create healthy habits that can be maintained as this will help you to achieve your long-term health goals.

Should weight be the only focus?

There is so much more to your health than what you weigh! Other health markers include your physical fitness, sleep quality, blood results, blood pressure, body composition (muscle and fat), and eating patterns.

Do calories need to be tracked?

Calories do not need to be tracked. Lifestyle changes such as eating more nutritious food and increasing physical activity will likely lead to a lower calorie consumption and increased energy output. It is also important to note that sometimes the lower calorie option is not the healthier option.

Will Fresh Start help with the maintenance of weight loss after a period of meal replacements?

Fresh Start provides balanced meals that include nutritious ingredients from all food groups. The meals follow the Healthy Plate model and Ministry of Health guidelines, helping with appropriate portion control. Fresh Start can provide ideas for how to create healthy meals throughout the day, which can help with maintaining a healthy weight over time.

References: 1. https://t2dm.nzssd.org.nz/Section-88-Healthy-eating-and-weight-loss 2. https://www.health.govt.nz/system/files/documents/publications/clinical-guidelines-for-weight-management-in-new-zealand-adultsv2.pdf 3. https://www.heartfoundation.org.nz/wellbeing/body-size-and-heart-health/manage-your-weight 4. https://nutritionfoundation.org.nz/healthy-eating/adults/maintaining-healthy-body-weight/